Fourth of July

Practicing Democracy

Jacob Kraus-Preminger
As we reflect on the United States' Independence Day, I am mindful that democracy also takes commitment and practice. Democracy takes practice because it still is not accessible to all.

A Jewish Family's Unique Fourth of July Tradition

Lauren Theodore
Every year on the Fourth of July, my mother and stepfather host about 50 people, newborns to retirees, at a multigenerational backyard party at their home in suburban New Jersey. We schmooze around the grill, cool off in the pool or with a beer, and shuck corn on the cob. My sister Barrie makes an American flag berry cake, and my sister Cheryl makes a cake that looks like a hamburger. Fireworks light the night sky. It’s all typical Independence Day stuff. But we also do something unique that I wish were more universal: We mindfully read aloud the Declaration of Independence.