Introduction to Judaism

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Introduction to Judaism is an engaging multi-session course for anyone interested in exploring Jewish life through a Reform lens.

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Three Judaism Classes For the New Year

Kate Bigam Kaput
If one of your New Year's resolutions is to delve deeper into your Judaism, consider signing up for one of the Reform Jewish Movement's classes.

Funny, You Don’t Look...

Miguel L. Salazar
"What are you?" was a question I was often asked in New York City. At first, I did not understand. Having grown up in San Antonio, Texas during the Jim Crow era, there was no doubt in my mind. During Jim Crow, Americans were defined by their skin color. I was not Black, but neither was I white. Therefore, I reasoned, I must be Mexican.

Together At Sinai: Four Conversion Stories

Crystal Hill
On Shavuot, many of us study the Book of Ruth. Lauded by Rabbinic tradition as a righteous convert, Ruth’s story continues to resonate with the experiences of many Jews-by-choice today.

At The Edge of the Water

Yanira Quiñones
As I stood at the top of the steps of the pool of warm water, I could feel my feet tingle with anticipation. The feeling slowly enveloped my body, moving steadily up my legs, to my core, my heart and my mind. The feeling did not agitate or annoy, it was like a blanket of calmness and serenity. I stood at the top of the steps looking down into the mikvah. I took a breath and descended slowly until I stood fully in the water.