Jewish Ethics

Repair and Apology: What Does Judaism Teach Us?

Hanan Harchol
Rabbi Leora Kaye
When is the last time you genuinely apologized to someone for something you did? What makes an apology worthwhile? What steps do people need to take in order for an apology to be sincere? Do you think Judaism’s “opinion” will agree with yours?

Love and Fear: What Does Judaism Teach Us? (Part 2)

Hanan Harchol
Rabbi Leora Kaye
Where does fear come from and what happens when you are afraid? How does fear affect your behavior, and in particular, how you treat the people around you? Is fear based on real danger, or is it at least partially in our your head? And, are there ways to feel safe, even in frightening situations?

Learn About Mussar and Middot

These Jewish virtues or values (in Hebrew "middot") serve as the basis for the study of a variety of Jewish texts. Perfect for students of all ages, middot can be studied individually, with a study partner, and by families. Whether engaging your family at the Shabbat dinner table or taking some time to study on a Shabbat afternoon, make middot part of your Jewish learning with these helpful study guides.

Trust in the Sages - Middah Emunat Chachamim

Marlene Myerson
According to our Text, faith (emunah) is the most important element in Torah. This idea is developed even further in the commentary on this middah found in the Pirkei Avos Treasury. There it is suggested that faith in the authenticity of the teachings of the Sages is the foundation of Torah study. (p.417)