Machon Kaplan

From the White House to the RAC: Two Summers in Washington DC

Machon Kaplan

There isn’t anything quite like summertime in DC. Young adults flock to the nation’s capital for a once in a lifetime living and working experience. But for me, I’m fortunate enough to have a second ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity. Last summer as a rising

From YOLO to FOMO in our Nation’s Capital

Machon Kaplan

YOLO- You Only Live Once- has rapidly grown into a trendy motto that encourages daring and reckless behavior amongst today’s youth. When I flew across the country to Washington, D.C. this summer, I committed the impulsive and spontaneous concept of YOLO to my

A Reflection on Holiness and the End of Machon Kaplan 2011

"And you shall be holy, for I the lord am Holy" (Leviticus 11:44).

MK image.jpgHow often does our work in the social justice field really feel like holy work? Does photocopying really connect you to God's holiness? What about Excel spreadsheets--does that bring you closer