Racial Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (REDI) Communities of Belonging

7 Jewish Endeavors to Make 5782 a Sweet New Year

Chaim Harrison
It’s a long-standing custom for Jews to wish one another a “sweet new year” on Rosh Hashanah; to hope that this coming year will be one filled with joy, fulfillment, and an abundance of blessings. However, Judaism isn’t a path focused simply on wishing for good things; if our goal is to make each year “sweeter” than the last, we must work to make it happen.

Why We Need a “Spiritual Co-conspiratorship” for Justice

Yolanda Savage-Narva
During the 2020 uprising for Black lives, Yehudah was the lead organizer of the 40 Days of Teshuvah action that created a space of mourning the destruction of Black communities and crying out to the Heavens for spiritual co-conspiratorship in the fight for racial justice.