sacred texts

Are Jews allowed to donate organs?

Rabbi Billy Dreskin
Jewish law does, in fact, permit organ donation! Whatever you have heard, whatever you thought you learned, set that all aside. Jewish law permits us to sign our donor cards and, when someone we love dies, to use their body to save other lives

Organ Donation: Heaven Knows We Need Them Here!

Rabbi Billy Dreskin
By and large, the Jewish legal tradition has never opposed organ donation. For nearly 2,000 years, it has laid the groundwork in favor of such actions. And the Reform Movement has supported and encouraged it for many years now.

The Talmud & the Twitterverse

Daniel Reisel
At the time of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem, authorship of the tradition was in the hands of the learned elite. All of that changed after the Romans destroyed the Temple in 70 C.E.