Why We Need Good Sermons Now More Than Ever
For more than 50 years, High Holiday sermons were consequential both for the rabbi and the congregation. Why has the Reform preaching tradition waned?
For more than 50 years, High Holiday sermons were consequential both for the rabbi and the congregation. Why has the Reform preaching tradition waned?
A former synagogue member wondered, “How would being a member make my life better or different?” Even as a congregational rabbi, I admit that I struggled to answer her question.
Connecting with others can be awkward, so we seek out people like us. This strategy can limit our experiences and cut us off from others across lines of difference.
Every successful Jewish organization is jointly supported by both professional leaders and lay leaders, all working to serve the community’s members.
After the nation moves on, we will be left to pick up the pieces. Fortunately, this is a very strong and capable Jewish community, blessed to be led by incredible rabbis.