Tikkun Olam

"White Jews: It Is on Us"

Ali Rosenblatt

For many white observers, the protests calling for an end to police violence and Black liberation that erupted over the weekend may have appeared sudden. Yes, they came directly after the killing of George Floyd, but they were anything but sudden. The

Ways Reform Jews Can Act Now for Racial Justice

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner

Here are eight ways that white Reform Jews, especially, can act now in pursuit of social justice, both directly on a systemic level. These includes advocacy for policy change and for confronting racism within our own communities, and are guided by contributions and feedback from Jews of Color.

Mourning, Broken, Afraid: A Letter to My Friends

Jessi Kingston

If you are my friend, know that I am mourning the heinous murder of George Floyd at the hands of four police officers who worked for a police department with a long history of excessive use of force against Black and Brown bodies.

Pandemic in the Petri Dish of Prison: A Jewish Call for Justice

Rabbi Hilly Haber
Rabbi Rick Jacobs

The Book of Proverbs instructs us to “speak up for those who cannot speak...to raise our voices on behalf of the vulnerable and downtrodden.” (Proverbs 31:8-9). The individuals who make up America’s prison population are isolated, vulnerable, and voiceless.