Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg (he/him) prides himself on being a homegrown Canadian rabbi. He serves as spiritual leader of Temple Israel of Ottawa in Canada's capital. His previous pulpits include Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto and Temple Sholom of Vancouver. Rabbi Mikelberg is a CCAR board member and serves as the chair of the Reform Rabbis of Canada. Growing up, he was active in NFTY Northwest and URJ Camp Swig-Newman (now URJ Camp Newman).

Rabbi Mikelberg is a strong voice for tikkun olam, progressive Zionism, and inclusion. He is proud of his work with the Indigenous communities of Canada and the LGBTQ+ community. He has excelled in exciting people of all ages about their Judaism, dedicating his energy to innovative programming for young families and next-generation initiatives.

Rabbi Mikelberg is married to Zachary Paul, a high school teacher. Together, they have a young son named Jacob.

Blessings and Curses – Parashat B'chukotai

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

The Israelites are told that blessings will flow if they live by God's rules. However, if they choose to stray from God's path, consequences will follow. Sometimes, this logic works; mitzvot lead to mitzvot and transgressions often lead to further transgressions.

B'har – Time for a Shabbat

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

Summer, also known by some as "road trip season," is almost here! When I think about car trips, I'm reminded of a legendary family vacation story.

Accepting Ourselves

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

This week's Torah portion, Parashat Emor, seems to suggest that God demands perfection, but on further examination calls us to accept ourselves - blemishes, imperfections, and all.

K'doshim – And You Shall Be Holy

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

There are certain words that are common in religious settings but aren't widely used in the secular world. Our parashah, K'doshim, helps us grapple with this important question and reminds us that we can answer the question ourselves.

Acharei Mot - Choose Holiness!

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

Two goats make an appearance in this week's Torah portion, Acharei Mot. As with the Passover song, there's mystery and meaning in the goats' presence in this week's parashah. These two goats enable us to choose a life of holiness.