Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity: What are They and Why Do They Matter to Us?
Judaism and social justice are inseparable. The pursuit of justice is not an elective we can shrug off as optional; the Torah literally tells us, “Justice, justice, you shall pursue” (Deut. 16:20).
LGBTQ+ Inclusion

Bisexual, Pansexual, and Jewish
Recent years have seen much progress in accepting gays and lesbians, but bisexual (bi) and pansexual (pan) people still often feel marginalized by both the straight and gay/lesbian communities – and even by the Jewish community.

10 Children’s Books That Celebrate Pride
So many of us who identify as LGBTQ+ grew up with little to no queer/trans representation in the media we consumed. While there is still a long way to go in normalizing LGBTQ+ identities in children’s media, kids can now see themselves and their families represented in many ways, including in the books they read.

Why Pronouns Are so Important - And Why Using The Right Ones is so Jewish
Referring to individuals using their correct pronouns conveys respect and validation to everyone in our communities – part of the Jewish imperative to treat others’ the way we wish to be treated.
Wholly Jewish
Subscribe To The Podcast
What do we all have in common? We all live - and balance - complex and nuanced identities, that, when braided together, make us wholly ourselves... and wholly Jewish. In on these deeply personal, one-on-one interviews, Jews of intersectional identities share their experiences, insights, and how they enrich and create a more vibrant Jewish community. Season one features Jews of Color; season two highlights members of the Jewish LGBTQ+ community.
Embracing Diversity

What Does it Mean to "Code Switch" in Jewish Spaces?
Whenever I enter Jewish spaces, whether it’s my first time or my fiftieth, I make a conscious effort to bring my kippah, my Sh’ma bracelet, and my Magen David necklace.

Microaggressions vs. Microaffirmations: Welcoming at the "Micro" Level
Perpetrators of microaggressions are often not even aware they’re committing them – but the result, nonetheless, is that individuals on the receiving end of these actions may feel unwelcome, alienated, or unsafe in the spaces where they belong.
Disability Inclusion

Five Ways to Be an Ally to People with Disabilities
This month, as we highlight disability inclusion and work toward disability inclusion in our Jewish communities all year long, here are five easy ways to be an individual ally to people with disabilities.

What is Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month?
Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM) is a unified effort among Jewish organizations worldwide to raise awareness and foster acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities and mental health conditions and those who love them. JDAIM is a call to action for all of

How Do We Teach Our Children about Disabilities?
It's not difficult to teach our children to better understand and discuss disabilities. But as Jewish parents, why should we?
Interfaith Families

Creating Belonging for Interfaith Families
One of my most treasured memories is of my husband buying Purim carnival wristbands for our children. This act might seem small, but it symbolized a significant shift for us. See, my husband isn't Jewish, but we are raising a Jewish family.

Jewish Summer Camp was the Right Choice for Our Interfaith Family
My children have learned so much, and have taught me so much, about what it means to be a mensch, a good person, from their summers at Camp Harlam.

Honoring My Christian Family
It can be difficult to tell your parents that the man or woman you have fallen in love with and want to marry is of a different religious faith..

No, I Did Not Convert Because My Husband is Jewish!
Out of all the Jews I know personally who converted or are in the process of doing so, I don't think any converted only because they were engaged to someone Jewish.