Antisemitism and its Lies: A Very Short History - Temple Beth El - Tacoma WA
22 Shevat 5785 to 24 Iyar 5785
5975 S. 12th St. , Tacoma, WA 98465
This is an in-person event
Antisemitism is frequently referred to as "the world's oldest hatred," and a quick look at the mainstream media just since the events of October 7th shows that vicious prejudice remains in our world.
Torah Portion
Exodus 21:1−24:18
24 Shevat 5785
Haftarah: Jeremiah 34:8-22; 33:25-26
These are the rules that you shall set before them. - Exodus 21:1
Peace and War - Congregation Kol Ami - Cherry Hill, NJ
25 Shevat 5785
1101 Springdale Road , Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
This is a virtual event
We will look at the Egypt-Israel peace treaty, discuss the first Lebanon War and explain the factors that led to further efforts at peace making, particularly the Oslo process. The ensuing Second Intifada will also be discussed.
A Taste of Judaism® - Union for Reform Judaism
26 Shevat 5785 to 10 Adar 5785
This is a virtual event
This 3-session online program is all about introducing you to what is delicious about Judaism: sacred stories, beliefs and values, and a diverse community - with plenty of time for your questions.
Introduction to Judaism, Temple Sinai, Atlanta, GA
28 Shevat 5785 to 28 Sivan 5785
5645 Dupree Drive , Atlanta, GA 30327
This is a multi-access event
Engage with Jewish values, celebrations and spirituality. Ask questions and discover multiple perspectives. Introduction to Judaism is an engaging multi-session course for adults interested in exploring Jewish life through a Reform lens.