Beliefs & Practices

The great contribution of Reform Judaism is that it enabled the Jewish people to introduce innovation, preserve tradition, embrace diversity.

What is Reform Judaism?

The great contribution of Reform Judaism is that it has enabled the Jewish people to introduce innovation while preserving tradition, to embrace diversity while asserting commonality, to affirm beliefs without rejecting those who doubt, and to bring faith to sacred texts without sacrificing critical scholarship.

Racial Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Prayers and Blessings

Social Justice and Reform Judaism

Jewish Views on Civil Rights

American Reform Jews have historically supported a variety of civil rights issues, including equality for the LGBT community, hate crimes legislation, the death penalty, criminal justice reforms, disability rights, and legislative protections from religious discrimination in the workplace.

Jewish Views on Economic Justice

The Torah does not just command us to give to the poor but to advocate on their behalf. We are told in Proverbs 31:9 to “speak up, judge righteously, champion the poor and the needy.”

Are there Reform Jews in Israel? Yes!

Though its early classical period was in 19th century Germany and Central Europe, Reform Judaism has undergone its greatest period of growth and development in the United States. Today Reform Judaism numbers some two million adherents in nearly 40 countries throughout the world. During the past 100 years, the Reform Jewish Movement has made a dramatic ideological and physical return to Israel.

israeli flag

Lifecycle RItuals

What to Expect at a Baby Naming

Jewish babies are given Hebrew names shortly after they are born. Usually, a brief ceremony is performed, which often includes family members of the new baby.

History of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah are the titles given to all Jews who reach the age of 13, regardless of whether or not they have studied to commemorate the occasion with a ritual, ceremony, or celebration.

Preparing for a Jewish Funeral: A Guide

The death of a loved one is often a painful and confusing time. This guide will assist you in planning the funeral and offer helpful information on the centuries-old Jewish burial practices.

Find a Congregation Near You

Find connection, community, learning, and spirituality at a welcoming Reform congregation near you.

Congregation Beth Am photo at Pride March


Transformation through Yoga

How do we listen to our bodies and spirits? For me, one path is yoga, a practice that strives to connect us with ourselves.

person doing yoga in the mountains at sunrise

What's New

Chutzpah in the Darkness: Finding Strength Through Jewish Resilience

As a college student studying during a year abroad at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem years ago, I participated in programs offered by the Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center (RAC), which trained students to advocate for civil and human rights through a Jewish lens. That experience defined my Judaism as one rooted in action and activism.