Lighting the Menorah
Watch this video to learn how to light the hanukkiyah, the Hanukkah menorah.
Learn the Hanukkah Blessings
Video: How to Say the Hanukkah Blessings
Learn how to say the first blessing when lighting candles on your Hanukkah menorah.
Video: 2nd Blessing for Lighting the Menorah
Learn how to say the second blessing when lighting candles on your Hanukkah menorah.
Shehecheyanu for Hanukkah
This special blessing is said on the first night of Hanukkah
Family Activities
DIY Pasta Menorah for Hanukkah
Video: DIY Pasta Menorah for Hanukkah
A fun activity to try with your kids: learn how to make a beautiful menorah for Hanukkah out of pasta, paint, and glue.
How to Make Edible Dreidels
Video: How to Make Edible Dreidels
Learn how to make these adorable and delicious dreidels.
How to Play Dreidl
Video: How to Play Dreidel
The teen community of Temple Beth Or, Washington Township, NJ explains the rules of Dreidel.
Teaching Children
The Hanukkah Story for Kids: Maccabees, miracles and dreidels
The Jewish holiday of Chanukah is known as the festival of lights. Find out why! Plus, instructions on how to play dreidel. Enjoy this video and more with BimBam
The Hanukkah Shaboom! Special - Great Miracles
Can the Plony family get the house ready in time for their Chanukah party? Looks like they are in need of a Chanukah miracle. Watch this special Chanukah episode to see how Gabi and Rafi fix the world, one Chanukah party at a time.
What is Hanukkah?
What is Hanukkah?
A basic primer on what Hanukkah is, for everyone. This video touches on the history of the holiday, its religious significance, and the spiritual connection. A great intro for Jews and non-Jews alike - share with your curious coworker or family member. Enjoy this video and others with BimBam
Why Do Some Menorahs Have Only 7 Branches?
The Menorah has been a Jewish symbol and part of Jewish traditions for centuries. But have you noticed that some menorahs have 7 branches and others have more? What's the deal? Find some answers in our quick explainer video featuring Joshua Mallett.
How Do You Spell Hanukkah?
Union for Reform Judaism President Rabbi Rick Jacobs does some reporting from New York City's Washington Square Park to find out how people spell Hanukkah (Chanukah? Hanukah?).
Shalom Seasame
Shalom Sesame: The Missing Menorah
The Hanukkah menorah is missing! Grove rallies the team to help find the missing menorah before Hanukkah begins.
Baby Bear and Telly Play Dreidel
Baby Bear gives Telly a lesson in playing dreidel--a traditional Hanukkah pastime using a special four-sided spinning top with a Hebrew letter printed on each side. Play for the gelt! Win for the glory!
Hanukkah Songs
Chanukah oh Chanukah! Yiddish Lyrics Video
Sing along to this popular Jewish folk song.
S'vivon Sov Sov Sov Lyrics in Hebrew + English
In this lyrics video, you can learn the popular Chanukah about dreidels song in both Hebrew and English! Shaboom! is proud to present our favorite Jewish songleader Isaac Zones in this raise your voice, party down and happy Hanukkah to you!
The Dreidel Song (I made it out of clay)
Learn the words to the dreidel song! It's definitely the Hanukkah song most people know and once you learn it, you'll be able to rock any holiday party!
Video: How to Make Latkes and Applesauce
Jewish cooking expert Tina Wasserman demonstrates how to make potato latkes and applesauce for Hanukkah.
Video: How to Make Gluten-Free Baked Latkes
Easy and fun, these latkes are gluten-free and delicious!
Video: How to Make Potato Latkes
Tina Wasserman, cookbook author and food editor of, explains how to make Potato Latkes for Hanukkah.
Video: How to Make Sweet Potato and Carrot Latkes (Gluten-Free)
Tina Wasserman, cookbook author and food editor of, explains how to make Sweet Potato and Carrot Latkes (gluten free) for Hanukkah.
Video: How to Make Applesauce
Tina Wasserman, cookbook author and food editor of, explains how to make applesauce.
Video: How to Make Easy Sufganiyot (Jelly Donuts)
Sufganiyot (jelly donuts), easy and fast!