Matzah Holder

Create your own Matzah holder using these simple materials!
Micol Bayer

This craft is fun to make and easy to pack for those on-the-go this Passover! It makes a great gift as well.


  • 12 inch square piece of fabric (we used duck cloth)
  • Fabric markers, fabric paint, or sharpie markers
  • Ribbon (each holder needs 4 - 12” lengths of ribbon)
  • Scissors
  • Ruler or straight edge


  1. Using your ruler, crease all 4 sides of the square about 2 inches away from the edge, leaving you with an 8” flat square surface with 2” sides.
  2. Decorate the outer sides of the holder and the inside flat square center. Note that any designs made in the corners of the sides may get lost when you tie the sides together in step #4.
  3. Fold up the 2 sides and “pinch” at each corner. You will need to cut a small slit in each side near the corner to insert the ribbon. Insert the ribbon from the outside of the holder and back through the 2nd side, so that you can tie the ribbon on the outside of the holder.
  4. You now have 2 choices: 1) tie the ribbon on the outside, or 2) on the “top” of each corner. Tie the ribbon tightly so that it holds the sides of the fabric standing up.