Purim Videos

Video: Easy and Unique Hamantaschen

Hamantaschen (three-cornered cookies eaten to celebrate Purim) are traditionally made with prune or poppy filling. Here are some new twists on an old favorite. Happy Purim!


Video: Shake Your Grogger!

Celebrate Purim with Michelle Citrin and shake your grogger!

What is Purim? An introduction to the Jewish holiday

From the parties to the reading of the Megillah to the piles and piles of Hamentashen, Purim is easily the most fun holiday in the Jewish calendar. This video talks about all of the great traditions! Enjoy this video and others with BimBam.

The Purim Story in 4 minutes: Go Esther!

Learn the Purim Story in four minutes with this funny, sassy animated version of the Book of Esther - condensed and hipped up for the modern student or family. Celebrate Esther's bravery, Mordechai's wisdom and BOOOOO Haman. Enjoy this video and more with BimBam.

Family Activities

Make your own Purim Grogger

Learn to make your own Purim noisemaker, or grogger with stuff you can find around the house. Enjoy this video and others with BimBam.

12 Purim Basket Hacks: Creative Mishloach Manot

Here's a few creative mishloach manot, or Purim baskets, that you can make if you really want to impress your friends. Have fun! Enjoy this video and others with BimBam. 

Video: Mishloach Manot for Purim, Three Ways

Learn how to make themed mishloach manotmishloach manotמִשְׁלוֹחַ מָנוֹת"Sending of portions" (Hebrew). Baskets of sweets and other foods exchanged among friends on Purim. (Purim gift bags).


Chag Purim song lyrics video (Hava narisha RASH RASH RASH)

Hava Narisha RASH RASH RASH! Learn the joyful Purim song that kids love. Enjoy this video and more with Shaboom!

La Kova Sheli Shalosh Pinot - Learn the Purim song!

Learn the words to Lakova Sheli - a song we sing for Purim. Enjoy this video and others with Shaboom!

Mishenichnas Adar: Learn the Purim song

Learn the words to Mishenichnas Adar - a song we sing during ADAR - the happiest month of the Jewish calendar. Enjoy this video and others with Shaboom!