Many couples are finding themselves in tough situations like yours – but there is some small comfort in the fact that Jewish ritual offers many ways to mark life’s significant moments and to acknowledge the complicated mix of feelings that may accompany them.
Right now, you may be feeling grateful for the health of loved ones, frustrated or resentful of the situation you find yourself in, disappointed to have to postpone your celebration, and/or worried about the resulting consequences of doing so. Whatever you and your partner are feeling, just know: It’s OK to feel that way.
Here are three Jewish ways to consider marking the day. You may want to reach out to your rabbi or cantor to see if they have any ideas about how to navigate this time and to mark your original wedding date, as well.
Whatever you decide, allow yourselves space to hold whatever feelings you and your partner are feeling, and don’t hesitate to reach out to those who have supported you on your journey as a couple so far – your loved ones, your community, and your clergy.