Each of our free activity books is crafted with content from Highlights Magazine that reflects key Jewish values, like creating communities where every voice matters.
Packed with compelling short stories, fun games, and mind-teasing puzzles, each issue will not only entertain but also reflect Jewish values that help young people grow to be good citizens of the world. Designed for ages 5-12, they can provide hours of enjoyment.
Grow a Good Citizen: Every Voice Every Vote
Jewish tradition is clear on the need for leadership that represents the entire community, and a society where every voice is heard. This issue is centered on the importance of participating in democracy by voting.
Grow a Good Citizen: Strength in Our Diversity
Being part of the human family means standing up for others, especially when they are targeted by hateful words and actions. Judaism teaches, "You shall not hate your kinsfolk in your heart… Love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:17-18). This issue centers around the values of empathy, celebrating differences, and acts of kindness.
Grow a Good Citizen: Communities of Belonging
Jewish families are amazingly diverse, and we celebrate that diversity. Each of us has something unique and precious to add to the whole. This issue is centered on the values of community, kinship, and caring for others.
Download one or all three!