Joy Weinberg

Joy Weinberg is the managing editor of Reform Judaism magazine and a songwriter whose Jewish music can be found at

Reach Higher Now: A Resolution for the Jewish New Year

Joy Weinberg

Every year for 30 years, I’ve sat in a temple sanctuary on the High Holidays and watched a movie. It’s a movie only I can see – flashbacks of all the times I recall over the past 52 weeks when I didn’t measure up to the standards of my head, heart, and soul.

Jewish Life Lessons from Holidaying in France

Joy Weinberg

When most people think of “France” and “Jews” together, past or current anti-Semitism comes to mind. That wasn’t our experience while vacationing in Brittany this summer, although we were just American tourists visiting for two weeks.

Fourteen days was

Reaching My Own Promised Land

Joy Weinberg

When I think about my life
All that I’ve seen and done
I ask myself: Have I achieved
All that I might become…

O… yes!…and no…
It is hard to reach all I can be
When oppression’s living within me
O help me now to end this slavery

How many years of wandering

On Healing a Hardened Heart

Joy Weinberg

“You hurt me.” “I feel betrayed.” “How can I trust you?” As the High Holidys draw near, questions of morality, goodness, justice, forgiveness began swirling round my psyche and my heart. I got married last May to a woman I love with all my being. We decided to