Rabbi Michael Adam Latz

Rabbi Michael Adam Latz is the senior rabbi at Shir Tikvah Congregation in Minneapolis, MN.

A Blessing for Tu BiShvat

Rabbi Michael Adam Latz

We who have become cynical,
Hard shelled,
Whom life has raised its tough first
Of despair and
Disappointment and heartache
And grief,
We who have learned to protect our souls
And toughen our hearts
To avoid more anguish
To stop the flow of tears
To compose

Dwelling in Safety on Sukkot: A Prayer for Refugees

Rabbi Michael Adam Latz

We pray to you
Creator of the Universe,
who causes the winds to blow
and the seas to rage…

For the weary and the heart shattered
escaping violence and bloodshed and war

Who step into raging waters
with an impossible prayer
it is safer than the