Specialized Programs Cater to Campers’ Interests

January 14, 2025Melissa Frey

When it comes to choosing an overnight camp, there are a variety of options to consider, each offering unique experiences to suit different interests and needs. All fourteen of our Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) camps in strive to be affirming to campers of all backgrounds, including campers of color, campers with disabilities, LGBTQ+ identifying campers, and campers from interfaith backgrounds. While traditional overnight camps focus on outdoor activities and togetherness, specialized camps do that and cater to more specific passions and skill building. URJ camps stand out by offering a wide range of specialty programs, allowing campers to explore their personal interests, whether that be in arts, sports, STEM, outdoor adventures, social justice, or Jewish learning. These specialty camps and programs provide a unique alternative for those seeking a more focused summer experience.

1. Coleman Quest

Located at URJ Camp Coleman in Georgia, Coleman Quest is an outdoor adventure specialty program specifically designed for 6th-10th grade campers looking for something different from traditional camp. Grounded in the biblical phrase "chazak v'amatz" (be strong and courageous), Quest campers seek to push beyond their limits and expand their comfort zone above ground and underground (via spelunking). Activities in and out of camp help participants develop an awareness of who they are, what they can do, and who they can become.

2. 6 Points Creative Arts Academy 

At 6 Points Creative Arts Academy, our arts staff are high-level professionals in their fields, working with our leadership and faculty to weave text and texture, art and artistry to Judaism. Passion and a desire to build on their skills are the key components for camper success at CAA. There are no auditions, and all campers have opportunities to showcase their work. Our campers experience all that the Creative Arts Academy has to offer in our 12-day sessions, from arts majors,multi-discipline electives, and kinesthetic arts (recreational activities) to all-camp programs that build community and creativity.

3. 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy

Located just outside of Boston's science and technology corridor on the campus of the beautiful Governor's Academy boarding school, 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy offers all the advantages of a top-quality educational facility along with access to the best and brightest minds in the Jewish science and technology community.

Using a hands-on, project-based approach, campers learn and create in a collaborative environment. Campers choose one primary track or workshop, such as robotics or coding, where they spend a total of 2½ hours each day, in addition to exploring the world through our amazing counselor-led electives and outdoor recreational periods.

4. Newman Hevrah 

Hevrah is Camp Newman's month-long session for campers entering 10th and 11thgrade, focused on social justice. Each summer, Hevrah focuses on a specific issue. 2024 was about protecting democracy and 2023 focused on educational justice, particularly the written word. Campers spend the month learning through the lens of history, current events and Judaism - as well as the different ways they can effect change through indirect service, direct service, and advocacy.

5. OSRUI Chalutzim: Hebrew Immersion Summer Camp

Chalutzim combines a full summer of fun, friends, and camp activities with the experience of being immersed in Hebrew language with Israeli counselors and other fluent Hebrew speakers. It's the only program of its kind at an overnight camp in North America! Campers entering 10 th or 11 th grade, regardless of existing Hebrew ability levels, are welcome. There are also programs available to help campers prepare. Over the course of the summer, campers typically achieve the equivalent of an entire semester of public high school language proficiency while they explore their connection with the land and language of the Jewish people.

6. Outdoor Adventure Programs at OSRUI 

If your children would enjoy a summer camp experience combining love of the outdoors with the best of Jewish overnight camping, OSRUI has the program for you!

  • For campers entering 4th through 7th grade, Kibbutz HaTzofim ("scouts") is modeled after Kibbutz-style living in Israel. Campers help create their community, assist at mealtimes, tend the camp garden, and visit the animals on our small farm.
  • For 8th-10th graders, the Moshavah ("village") experience centers around developing independence, both individually and as a group. Moshavah campers prepare for and go on two overnight camping trips. The trips include backpacking, biking, canoeing, and rock climbing. These camping trips are a beloved opportunity for campers to explore their Jewish connection to teva (nature), develop team building and group decision-making skills, and expand their own resilience.
  • Campers in 11th and 12th grade can experience Moshavah Midwest, a two-and-a-half-week program that incorporates biking, canoeing, and tent camping throughout Wisconsin. Participants will learn outdoor leadership and camping skills.

For additional information, please email URJ Camps or connect with the camps directly. We hope to see your child at camp this summer!

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