Rabbinic Pastor/Cantor Lisa L. Levine

Headshot of Cantor Lisa Levine wearing a blue prayer shawl and holding a small drum

Rabbinic Pastor/Cantor Lisa L. Levine (“The Yoga Cantor,” RYT) (she/her) is a well-known composer, author, poet and recording artist. She received her ordination from HUC-JIR DFSSM and received Ordination as Rabbinic Pastor through Aleph Alliance for Jewish Renewal in 2018. Lisa has recently published her first collection of poems Heart of Light: Poems of Longing Loss and Life with artwork by Julie Silver. She teaches Yoga Shalom at Home, freelances as a worship artist, and serves as artist-in-residence for Temple Rodeph Torah in Marlboro, N.J. Learn more at cantorlisalevine.com.


The Light of You: A Prayer

Rabbinic Pastor/Cantor Lisa L. Levine
As we bring healing to those in need of strength, May our spirits be filled with the light of You. As we bring hope to a broken world. May our hearts be softened by the light of You. As we bring understanding to those who are suffering, May our arms

Prayer Litany for COVID-19

Rabbinic Pastor/Cantor Lisa L. Levine
Source of Blessing: Our lives are in turmoil our hearts heavy help us to cope with this modern plague we are worried for our families, we are concerned for our communities, our world is on the brink. Bless us with strength. Source of Mercy: We pray for courage to stay