Rachel Hall

Headshot of Rachel Hall wearing a red top

Rachel Hall (she/her) serves as the Assistant Director of Racial Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (REDI) for the Religious Action Center’s (RAC) Audacious Hospitality team, where she reviews content and programing through an anti-oppressive lens, striving to make our organization as inclusive as possible. Rachel is an openly queer Jewish woman from a working-class background who believes our early experiences with race, economic class, gender, disability status, and access to power and privilege shapes us individually as well as how we relate to various communities. Rachel has over 15 years of nonprofit experience related to racial equity, diversity, and inclusion, with 10+ years focused on nonprofit management and leadership development. Rachel has a BA from Clark University in Psychology and Communications & Culture, with a focus in Women’s Studies. She received her MA from Simmons College in Cultural Gender Studies, focusing on race, class, gender, and systems of oppression. She lives with 5 other mammals, one of whom who is furry, and two who are surely part goblin.


Rachel Hall
"Winterfaith" seems a much more apt description for me than "interfaith." We're not observing two religions; I was raised Jewish, and my partner was not. Together, we are raising our children as Jewish campers, and even after 15+ years of our relationship, 11 of which with at least one child, the winter holidays are when our "interfaith" background proves to be the most challenging.

10 Children’s Books That Celebrate Pride

Chaim Harrison
Rachel Hall
So many of us who identify as LGBTQ+ grew up with little to no queer/trans representation in the media we consumed. While there is still a long way to go in normalizing LGBTQ+ identities in children’s media, kids can now see themselves and their families represented in many ways, including in the books they read.