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Galilee Diary: The only thing we have to fear...

Rabbi Marc J. Rosenstein

And you, my servant Jacob, do not fear; and Israel, don't be afraid; for I will redeem you from afar and bring your offspring from the land of their captivity, and Jacob shall return and live in peace and tranquility with none to make him afraid.
-Jeremiah 46

Israel (not) in the State of the Union

By choosing to not comment on the (barely) ongoing negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians and the struggle for peace and stability in the Middle East, President Obama missed an important opportunity to highlight the need for continued US engagement

Galilee Diary: Tunnel vision

Rabbi Marc J. Rosenstein

The arid desert shall be glad, the wilderness shall rejoice and shall blossom like a rose. It shall blossom abundantly; it shall also exult and shout. It shall receive the glory of Lebanon, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon...

Galilee Diary: 39 Rabbis

Rabbi Marc J. Rosenstein

You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt.
-Exodus 23:9


Galilee Diary: Fairness

Rabbi Marc J. Rosenstein not favor the poor or show deference to the rich; judge your kinsman fairly... You shall rise before the aged and show deference to the old...
-Leviticus 19:15, 32

Like all major bus stations in Israel, the central bus terminal in Jerusalem has a row of

Galilee Diary: 520

Rabbi Marc J. Rosenstein

...Go up there into the Negev and on into the hill country, and see what kind of country it is. Are the people who dwell in it strong or weak, few or many? Is the country in which they dwell good or bad? Are the towns they live in open or fortified?