New to Jewish Prayer? Nine Tips for Beginners
Perhaps you’ve been to Shabbat services, and found them mystifying, or you've been invited to a bar mitzvah service and have no idea what to do. Here are some ways to get something out of the experience as a beginner.
Find a prayer or blessing for occasions, holidays, and more.

Current Events
Throughout Jewish history, the deepest feelings and longings of the soul have been given expression in the form of blessings (brachot) for nearly every occasion, both ordinary and extraordinary, and a liturgy for both daily and sacred times.
Daily Life

Prayer: Hear, O Israel (Sh'ma Yisrael)
One cannot overestimate the importance Sh’ma Yisrael has in Jewish heritage throughout the generations.

Daily Blessings: T'filat Haderech (Prayer for a Journey)
Y'hi ratzon milfanecha Adonai Eloheinu v'Elohei avoteinu v'imoteinu, shetolicheinu l'shalom

A 20-Second Prayer During Handwashing
A prayer to say while you wash your hands.

Crafting Jewish Tradition for Young Children: Morning Rituals
Just as you feed your child’s body with breakfast, you must feed your child’s soul with wonder, awe, and blessing.