
[And if You] Obey [These Rules]

Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25

When Is Eikev Read?

/ 22 Av 5785
/ 18 Av 5786
/ 18 Av 5787


  • Moses tells the Israelites that if they follow God's laws, the nations who now dwell across the Jordan River will not harm them. (7:12–26)
  • Moses reminds the people of the virtues of keeping God's commandments. He also tells them that they will dispossess those who now live in the Land only because they are idolatrous, not because the Israelites are uncommonly virtuous. Thereupon, Moses reviews all of the trespasses of the Israelites against God. (8:1–10:11)
  • Moses says that the Land of Israel will overflow with milk and honey if the people obey God's commandments and teach them to their children. (10:12–11:25)

Ten Minutes of Torah: Eikev Commentary

Photo of a butterfly sitting on a little boy's finger with his head in the background

Are We There Yet?

By: Rabbi Sari Laufer

The classic refrain of the modern family road trip, "Are we there yet?", can be heard implicitly in the ancient words of Parashah Eikev. While the text has moved past its initial step by step travelogue, no longer intent on reminding us of each and every pit stop, we are not yet ready to put the journey behind us.

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Learn More About Parashat Eikev With BimBam

Parashat Eikev: Circumcise your Heart

Why on earth would Moses tell the people, to circumcise their hearts? (Like, ouch!) And how do you do that anyway? Check in with what Lindsay Litowitz says in this week's Torah portion. Enjoy this video and others with BimBam. 

Listen to Podcasts About Eikev

Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat Eikev in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.

The Heart Of The Matter

Reward and Punishment

A Seat at the Table

Entiltement vs Gratitude

Rabbi Rick Jacobs