The Words
Deuteronomy 1:1−3:22

When Is D'varim Read?
/ 8 Av 5785
/ 4 Av 5786
/ 4 Av 5787
- Moses begins his final words of instruction to the Children of Israel, focusing first on recounting their physical journey. (1:1–21)
- Moses reviews the people’s reactions to the negative reports of the spies and the appointment of Joshua to succeed him. (1:22–45)
- Moses recounts that all of the Israelite warriors who left Egypt died, as God had intended, and the people continued their wanderings and defeated their enemies. (2:14–3:11)
- Moses reiterates that the Land of Israel was allocated to the Israelite tribes. (3:12–22)
More D'varim Commentaries
Video: Learn More About Parashat D'varim
Learn More About Parashat D'varim With Bim Bam
Flash forward! Moses is nearly 120 years old. No one who was wandering in the desert for 40 years is around anymore except a few good men: Joshua and Caleb. Enjoy this video and more with Bim Bam.
Listen to Podcasts About Parashat D'varim
Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat D'varim in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.

Ten Minutes of Torah: D'varim Commentary
D’varim: Embracing Contradiction
By: Rabbi Sari Laufer
As an introduction , Parashat D'varim reads like a travelogue--or a particularly boring slideshow of someone's family trip. Moses recounts, in detail, the various stages of the Israelites' journey from Sinai to this moment, leaving out some of the most interesting events.
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