
"Binding." The story in Genesis of the near-sacrifice of Isaac, Abraham’s son, which is read on Rosh HaShanah.

A concluding prayer of the worship service that reiterates humankind’s responsibility to make the world a better place and expresses the desire to bring the world together in peace.  

The Hebrew alphabet

"Going up." The honor of being called to recite the blessings before and after the Torah reading. Also refers to immigration to Israel, to "make aliyah" to Israel; plural: aliyot. Lit. "Ascent."

“nation” or “people.” Am Yisrael is often used to describe the people of Israel, especially throughout the Bible. 

People of the Book.


Literally, “sacred people;” used to describe the Jewish people based on this verse in Leviticus 20:26: “You shall be holy to Me, for I the Eternal am holy, and I have set you apart from other peoples to be mine.”

Literally, “the people of Israel.” The nation or people of Israel. The Jewish people.

Literally, the people of Israel lives. A popular Jewish song.

Literally, “standing.” A central prayer of the worship service, often recited privately. A chain of blessings in which the first three and final three are always the same, and the intermediate blessings change based on the day (i.e., Shabbat, weekday, holidays). Also called the Sh’moneh Esreih (literally, “eighteen”) and HaT’fila (literally, “the Prayer”). 

The state of mourning between death and burial