Can I say the Mourner’s Kaddish for Non-Jewish Loved Ones?
Jewish people can say the Mourner's Kaddish for loved ones who are not Jewish. Many Jewish individuals have close family members from different backgrounds and religions and it is appropriate for Jews to observe mourning rituals for their loved ones.
I have a chai pendant that I love because it was a bat mitzvah gift. But what does “chai” mean and why is it such a popular Jewish symbol?
What does chai mean, and why is it such an important Jewish symbol?
What, exactly, is a Haggadah?
The Hebrew word Haggadah means “telling,” and it refers to the service or script for the Passover seder table ritual. The Haggadah provides the order and script of the service with step-by-step instructions.
I’m a regular listener of your podcast On the Other Hand. Can you explain the meaning of the Hebrew sign-off/farewell phrase at the end of each episode?
The Hebrew phrase at the end of the podcast is “ L’hitraot." Here's what it means.
I plan to attend Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur services this year for the first time. Will I be expected to donate money during the service, like in a church service? If so, what’s the "right” amount?
You will not be expected to give money during the Rosh HaShanah or Yom Kippur services. In fact, it is customary to not exchange money on Shabbat or major Jewish holidays.
Why do Jewish Holidays Begin at Night?
On the Jewish calendar, holidays begin in the evening, at sundown, and they continue through the next day.
I'm preparing to make aliyah (move to Israel) and was surprised to read that I need to present a "Jewish certificate." I’ve been Jewish my entire life, but I’ve never heard of a certificate that proves it! How do I obtain that?
Your first step should be to approach the organization Nefesh B'Nefesh, which works with the Israeli government and The Jewish Agency for Israel to “remove or minimize the financial, professional, logistical and social obstacles of aliyah and the move to Israel.” They will walk you through the process.
Is it Jewishly permissible for us to bury our beloved pet with my late mother? The dog meant a lot to her.
There are Jewish practices that can support those who experience the loss of pet.
Are There Options for Interfaith Couples to be Buried in the Same Cemetery?
While it is true that, historically, only Jews were permitted to be buried in Jewish cemeteries, the prevalence of interfaith families has necessitated new options.
What greetings are appropriate on Purim?
On Purim, we can greet one another with “ Chag Purim sameach!” (Happy Purim!)
How Do I Teach My Grandchild About the Holocaust?
The Holocaust is an important topic not only in Jewish history, but the history of humankind. The topic is disturbing, and it is appropriate to feel uncomfortable and upset by the stories, facts, and, especially, the images. A thoughtful approach is required when – not if – you teach your grandchild about the Holocaust.