Torah Commentary

Torah Commentary

Receiving in Order to Give

"You stand this day, all of you, before the Eternal your God ... to enter into the covenant of the Eternal your God ..." (Deuteronomy 29:9-11). Parashat Nitzavim is a retelling of the exchange of giving and receiving that took place at Mount Sinai.

Every Dot Is Rich in Meaning

There are sections of the Torah that call out for our attention just from the way they are written in the sefer Torah, the Torah scroll, itself.

The “Close to You” Mystery

All the Jewish endings come together every year. Here we are at the last Shabbat of 5770. We are almost at the end of the Torah, with just five chapters left to go. The old year is coming to an end.

Nitzavim: The Mitzvah of Choosing

This week's Torah portion, Nitzavim, or large sections of it, are well-known in Reform congregations. On Yom Kippur morning, we read Deuteronomy 29:9-14 and 30:11-20, the opening and concluding paragraphs of Nitzavim.