After four years of bringing you a new episode nearly every week, this podcast is taking a little break. Listen to this episode to learn more about our hiatus and where to find us in the meantime.
[Rabbi Leora Kaye] Hi there podcast listeners, thanks for joining us every week for On the Other Hand-- Ten Minutes of Torah with Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the President of the Union for Reform Judaism. We want to take a moment to let you know about some changes to the podcast.
For the past four years, we've brought you a new episode nearly every single week delving deep into ancient texts and centuries worth of Jewish thought and wisdom to help you think about its contemporary influence on your life. And in sharing just 10 minutes of modern day Jewish commentary each week, we've actually recorded and shared more than 2000 minutes of this podcast. If you listen to all of our episodes back to back, it would take you nearly five months to get through all of it.
But for now we're going to take a little break this summer. We hope that in the absence of new episodes, you'll go back to our vast archives and listen to episodes you might not have heard before, or relisten to ones you heard years ago, perhaps, uncovering new insight and meaning for your life. And if you're looking for more Jewish content, which we hope you are, we invite you to visit where you can find written Torah commentaries, social justice resources, our favorite Jewish recipes, insight into Jewish holidays and rituals, a Jewish baby naming tool, and so much more.
We also invite you to follow us on social media. Our handle is @ReformJudaism on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And you can find Rabbi Rick Jacobs on social media too. Start by following him on Twitter @URJPresident.
We are so grateful to you for being a committed listener of On the Other Hand-- Ten Minutes of Torah, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we take a little bit of time off this summer to figure out what's next for the podcast.
In the meantime, we look forward to hearing from you on social media and as I say each time, L'hitraot.