Rabbi Alison Kobey

Rabbi Alison Kobey

Rabbi Alison Kobey (she/her) was born and raised in Massachusetts, attended Tufts University for her bachelor's degree, and was ordained by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati in 2000. She first served at Temple B'rith Kodesh in Rochester, NY for nine years, and has now been the Rabbi of Congregation Or Chadash in Damascus, MD since 2009. She has extensive pulpit, education, and counseling experience and honors people's needs at different stages. She has helped Or Chadash further its warm and welcoming spirit to create a sacred family inclusive to singles, divorcees, couples with or without children, families, Jewish-adjacent significant others, people who are LGBTQ+ and more. Rabbi Kobey loves the strong combination of rabbinic duties with life cycle and educational duties as they all interrelate and help foster Jewish community and continuity. She has been privileged to be a part of many people's lives from birth to death. In addition to her rabbinic responsibilities, she is a proud mother of two teenagers.

Experiencing a Divorce? You are not Alone

Rabbi Alison Kobey
Starting from the Torah we see that divorce is acceptable in Judaism, that not all marriages are meant to last, and that one or both individuals in the couple have their reasons.

Celebrating the Happiness of Torah

Rabbi Alison Kobey

Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? Do you love when it is on the screen, sometimes even quoting lines from that great flick? Most of us have at least one movie that falls into this category. One of my favorites is the movie A League of Their Own