Are you looking for a new Haggadah for this year’s Passover seder? Whether you’re interested in making your Passover celebrations a little more socially conscious or a little more magical, we’ve got you covered.
- Our Chocolate Seder for Children is intended as a preparation for Passover to help children feel more familiar when they encounter the traditional Passover seder. It’s not intended to replace your family’s seder. (And for adults who want their own chocolate seder, check out this Haggadah for a Socially Responsible Chocolate Seder from frequent contributor Rabbi Debbie Prinz.)
Reform Haggadot from CCAR Press:
- Mishkan HaSeder: A Passover Haggadah: This new Haggadah offers new translations in conversation with a collection of poetry from a diverse array of poets. The running commentary draws out the historic background of the seder rituals, builds on the social justice issues of our day, and offers contemporary connections to Passover. The text is complemented by beautiful full-color illustrations.
- A Passover Haggadah: This classic haggadah, available in English and Russian-Hebrew, has sold more than 1 million copies since its introduction. It contains a complete Passover home service, an extensive song section, and supplemental readings and meditations.
- A Children’s Haggadah: Through special foods, prayers and songs, children come to a personalized understanding of the miraculous event that is the Exodus. This 8-1/2" x 11" volume includes art on every page and a vibrant accordion fold-out of the seder plate.
- Sharing the Journey: The Haggadah for the Contemporary Family: The inclusive text, commentary, and original artwork in this haggadah will make all guests – young and old, beginners and experienced participants – feel welcome at your seder. Songs to sing along with are available for download through iTunes.
- The New Union Haggadah: This thoughtful update of the 1923 original preserves the elegance of the original version while making it relevant to 21st-century families with full transliteration and contemporary, inclusive, and gender-neutral language.
- The Open Door: A Passover Haggadah: This haggadah includes traditional and innovative blessings, extensive commentaries and supplemental readings, contemporary additions like Miriam's Cup, women's and men's voices in gender-inclusive language, more than 40 pages of traditional, specially commissioned music, and full-color art.
Reform Haggadot INSERTS from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism:
- The Four Children: A Racial Justice Haggadah Insert: Use this resource, the perfect complement to the Reform Jewish community’s racial justice advocacy work, to spark conversation at your family’s Passover seder about the importance of racial justice.
- Modern-Day Plagues of Injustice and Inequality: Read these plagues aloud at your seder and take action to combat each of them.
- Miriam's Cup: A Supplemental Reading for the Seder. A set of readings formulated to celebrate Miriam's role in deliverance from slavery and her leadership throughout the wilderness.
Beyond the Reform Jewish Community:
- The (Unofficial) Hogwarts Haggadah, from Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg and Aviva Shur will put a magical spin on your seder.
- LGBTQIA+ Passover resources from our partners at Keshet will add meaning to your Seder experience.
- Include readings about the plague of climate change in your Seder. Include this reading by Dayenu to help inspire action.
- The Passover story reminds us of the challenges of migration. HIAS’s Haggadah frames the Seder through the lens of migration.
You can also look to for all kinds of haggadot and supplements from Jews and Jewish organizations around the world, including this #BlackLivesMatter Haggadah from Jews for Racial and Economic Justice.
If your seder will include a lot of kids, check out 7 Great Haggadot if You Have Young Children at Your Seder.
Which haggadot do you use? Do you use the same one every year for your seder, or do you like to switch it up? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.