Traditionally, Learn more about why we send mishloach manot on Purim.)
are two food items (from different food groups) sent to at least two friends. Over the years, mishloach manot have developed into sometimes elaborate food packages to many friends and family in your community. (On the hunt for new creative ideas for mishloach manot? Here are a few ideas to try this Purim.
Some people like to give out their mishloach manot first thing in the morning so that their package is waiting at the front door. Here are some morning ideas:
- Freshly squeezed orange juice and a homemade muffin
- Muesli with yogurt and freshly squeezed orange juice
Simple and Adorable
Mishloach manot do not need to be elaborate and expensive. These ideas are easy and fun:
- Homemade cookies and a small carton of milk
- Tea and scones
- Beer and nuts (for an older crowd!)
- Mini cupcakes and a small carton of milk or chocolate milk
- Wine and cheese
Family Involvement Required
If you have young children, find ways to involve them in preparing and delivering your family's mishloach manot.
- Mini cookie bouquets! Get free plastic flowerpots at your local greenhouse. Have your kids decorate the outside of the flowerpots with stickers. Older children will help make flower-shaped cookies on sticks. Place the sticks in Styrofoam at the base of the flowerpot. Fill the pot with Mike and Ikes!
- Have younger kids pick two or three friends to send mishloach manot to. Let them pick a candy or fruit and a cookie or muffin. They can decorate the basket or write a card to their friend.
Themed Mishloach Manot
Picking a theme for your mishloach manot is an easy way to stand out from the bunch.
- Israeli: falafel balls, hummus, and pita bread
- Greek: olives, tzatziki and salad
- Mexican: chips, salsa, and a small bottle of tequila
- Italian: small homemade pizza with small bottle of red wine
- American: hotdog in a bun, a packet of ketchup, a packet of mustard, and a can of soda
- One-color mishloach manot: red (Red Hots, strawberries, licorice, apples, etc.) or yellow (Lemonheads, lemonade, pineapple, yellow cake, etc.)
Things That Can Be Frozen
Chances are, lots of food is exchanging hands on Purim. People always appreciate something delicious they can eat later.
- A container of homemade soup and a loaf of bread
- A small cake and fresh juice
- A kugel and a bottle of wine
And two more things:
- Homemade labels are an easy and sweet way to add a little flourish to your mishloach manot!
- There is always too much food floating around on Purim. Many families choose to donate to a charity instead of giving out dozens of mishloach manot.
Watch the video below for more ideas from BimBam.
And check out this video for even more ideas!