As the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) continues, we’re all adjusting to new realities, and many of us turn to prayer in times of crisis. Here are some words of hope and inspiration you can turn to during this time, being updated as new liturgy becomes available:
- Mi Shebeirach: Together pray for the swift healing of all who are sick.
- A Shabbat Prayer for Healing in the Era of Coronavirus: Rabbi Leah Doberne-Schor's prayers calls on the strength of our ancestors.
- Prayer in a Time of Coronavirus: Rabbi Joe Black shares the prayer he recited at the Colorado State House just before quarantining began.
- A Prayer Litany for COVID-19: Rabbinic Pastor Cantor Lisa Levine shares a seven-part blessing for the continued challenges we face during the pandemic.
- A Prayer for Medical Scientists: Liturgist Alden Solovy prays for the wisdom, skills, and safety of all those on the frontlines of fighting coronavirus.
- Nisim B’chol Yom (Prayer for Daily Miracles) for Coronavirus: Amy Asin writes an original adaptation of Judaism's series of morning blessings.
- Out of an Abundance of Caution: A Prayer Amid a Pandemic: Rabbi Joseph Meszler turns his many precautions into a prayer for our current times.
- Quarantine: A Poetic Interpretation of Leviticus 13: Cantor Abbe Lyons writes a drash for Parashat Tazria-M'tzora for our present times.
- A 20-Second Prayer During Handwashing: This prayer is designed to be said in the amount of time it takes to properly wash hands.
- Liturgical Resources for Responding to the Coronavirus: This document from the Central Conference of American Rabbis includes eight pieces of liturgy on handwashing, anxiety, safety, and more.
Looking for a way to center yourself and your own sense of gratitude during this chaotic time? Try this spiritual exercise for strength amid the coronavirus crisis, shared by Rabbi Rick Schechter.