Jared Goldin

Jared Goldin is a past president of Congregation B’nai Tikvah in Walnut Creek, CA. He and his wife Trish, a retired French teacher, are members of Temple Israel in Long Beach, CA, where he is on the board of trustees and Trish leads a Mussar practice group. Their daughter, Emma Goldin Lutz, is a cantor at Stephen Wise Temple in Los Angeles, CA, and their son-in-law, Adam Lutz, is the rabbi- educator at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills, CA.

Why I'll Be Cycling in Israel This Spring

Jared Goldin

As a teen in 1966, I was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter (O-S) disease, a ligament inflammation characterized by a painful bump below the knee that worsens with activity.