Micah D. Greenstein

How to Read the Bible: Art as a Higher Manifestation of Nature

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Dr. Edwin C. Goldberg

In the past few years, a number of discoveries in outer space have made headlines including disturbances of motion in the orbit of the small, distant planet Sedna. These disturbances suggest there may be a giant and as yet undiscovered planet orbiting far beyond Pluto, as well as black holes

Taking a Mitzvah and Making It Beautiful

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Jonathan E. Blake

During the week of Sukkot, we are instructed to read various Torah passages that reference the festival. On the Shabbat that falls during the intermediary days of Sukkot (Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot), we read from Exodus 33:12-34:26, which begins with an encounter between Moses and God immediately after the transgression of