
In the Beginning

Genesis 1:1−6:8

When Is B'reishit Read?

/ 26 Tishri 5786
/ 29 Tishri 5787
/ 29 Tishri 5788


  • God creates the world and everything in it in six days and rests on the seventh. (1:1-2:3)
  • Adam and Eve are placed in the Garden of Eden, where they eat the forbidden fruit and are subsequently exiled. (2:15-3:24)
  • Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain kills his brother, Abel. (4:1-24)
  • Adam and Eve have another child named Seth. The Torah lists the ten generations from Adam to Noah. (4:25-5:32)
  • God regrets having created human beings and decides to destroy everything on earth, but Noah finds favor with God. (6:5-6:8)

Ten Minutes of Torah: B'reishit Commentary

Photo of a person standing, holding a prayer book, bent over and praying

In the Beginning, God Created Prayer

By: Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler

This week, I am reflecting on a poem by Rivka Miriam. Rivka Miriam is an Israeli poet and artist who has been instrumental in the Jewish secular religious renewal movement in Israel.

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Learn More About Parashat B'reishit with BimBam

Parshat B'reishit: Listen Up

The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, hiding from God. What can we learn from the language the Torah uses here? Enjoy this video and others with BimBam.

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