Shabbat Evening Worship Services: V'shamru and Yismechu
From Exodus 31:16-17, this prayer reminds us that we keep the Sabbath as a sign of the covenant with God.
Worship Services: V'ahavta
From Deuteronomy and Numbers, this prayer expresses how we will love God.
Worship Services: Sh'ma
Referred to as our "watchword of faith," it declares our belief in one God. This prayer serves as the centerpiece of morning and evening services.
Shabbat Evening Worship Services: Chatzi Kaddish
Version of the Kaddish, praising God, that serves to delineate different sections of the service.
Shabbat Evening Blessings: Kiddush - Blessing over Wine
Blessing over the wine and sanctification of the day for Shabbat.
Yom Kippur Worship Services: Haftarah Blessings
The blessing after the reading of haftarah always sanctifies the day on which it is read. Throughout most of the year, that day is Shabbat, but haftarah is also read on the High Holidays.
Mi Shebeirach - Prayer for Healing
These comforting words can be said on behalf of those who are ill. Whether friends or loved ones are struggling with physical, emotional or spiritual challenges, this prayer speaks to our desire for their healing.
Daily Blessings: Birkat HaMazon (Grace After Meals) - Long Version
Chaverim vachaveirot n'vareich!
Daily Blessings: Birkat HaMazon (Grace After Meals) - Short Version
Learn how to sing the blessings for grace after meals.
Shabbat Conclusion: Havdalah Blessings
The Havdalah service marks the separation between the end of Shabbat and the new week.