The Four Children: 5 Social Justice Inserts for Your Passover Seder

Throughout our history, the Four Children of the Passover story have sparked conversation, artistic renderings, songs, debates, and more.

This year, whether you're doing a small home seder with your family or roommates, attending a virtual seder hosted by a congregation, or organizing your own virtual seder, consider adding in one of these inserts, which look at the Four Children through the lens of modern-day social justice issues. 

Consider the following options from and our partners.

1. The Four Children and COVID-19

As we grapple with a global pandemic, the struggle to find freedom from illness weighs heavily on our hearts and minds. How do we engage with our children when they ask about this crisis? Jewish facilitator Jordan Namerow shares thoughtful questions to spur timely conversations.

2. The Four Children of Climate Change

Compiled by Jewish organizations dedicated to climate justice, this guide helps us discuss the tension between our Jewish obligation to “till and tend” the earth, as God told humankind in the Garden of Eden, and the spectrum of beliefs that people hold about climate change.

3. The Four Children of Racial Justice

Created by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism at the launch of its racial justice campaign, this resource sparks conversation about the importance of racial justice and our Jewish commitment to equality.

4. The Four Children of Reform Zionism

The Land of Israel is a ghost throughout the Haggadah, even as it is a constant presence in the background of the Passover story. Rabbi Neal Gold offers a way to reintroduce Israel into our seder by asking: How is our freedom connected to Israel? To what degree is Israel free today?

5. The Four Children of LGBTQ+ Inclusion

How can we teach our children that we are all created b’tzelem Elohimb'tzelem Elohimבְּצֶלֶם אֱלֹהִיםLiterally "in the image of God;" the concept—from Genesis 1:27: “God created humankind in God’s image”—that because all humanity is created in the image of God, each person is equally valued.   and that our diversity is part of God’s gift to humanity? Rabbi Dara Lithwick offers a model for teaching about LGBTQ+ inclusion and making our communities ever more welcoming and free.

For ideas about teaching the concept of The Four Children to kids, see “Teaching the Four Children of Passover with Video, Activities, and More.” Visit for more Passover resources.