Daphne Lazar-Price

Daphne Lazar Price (she/her) is the Executive Director of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance. She is also an adjunct professor of Jewish Law at the Georgetown University Law Center.

Sylvester: To Celebrate or Not to Celebrate?

Daphne Lazar-Price
In North America, many Jews prepare for Rosh Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish new year, by making to-do lists: acquiring seats for High Holiday services, inviting guests, purchasing a new fruit, and preparing chicken soup just like Bubbe used to make.

If It's Good Enough for the Matriarchs...

Daphne Lazar-Price

In a recent conversation about raising families, I recounted the numerous times that I have been asked, often in an accusatory tone, why I have “only” two children. I guess because I am an Orthodox Jewish woman, people think this is an area into which they are

Cranberry Pear Sauce

This is not your traditional applesauce. For one, it calls for pears. And second, this fruit concoction is cooked in a good amount of honey. It takes just a few minutes to prepare. Serve it warm or cold, latkes or as a stand-alone side dish.