Conversion: Choosing Judaism

Learn the basic facts about converting to Judaism, and how to take the first steps.

Introduction to Judaism Classes

intro class participant

Learn the fundamentals of Jewish thought and practice in 16-20 weeks. This course is perfect for interfaith couples, those from different faith backgrounds considering conversion, and Jews looking for an adult-level introduction.

Taste of Judaism Classes

Free Judaism classes

This engaging class on Jewish spirituality, ethics, and community is designed for the curious beginner. Individuals from all faith backgrounds are welcome. You don’t have to be Jewish to be curious. We ask you to register so we can save you a seat!

Find a Congregation

Find a welcoming Reform congregation near you.

What to Expect

What to Expect at a Jewish Funeral

Jewish tradition teaches that human beings are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). This is the underpinning of all of the rituals and customs that make up a Jewish funeral.


Finding Faith in Judaism

I do not feel like a convert who has had a revelation that here is where I belong; I feel like I am confirming my commitment to a belief system because it is the best way I know how to express, live and enhance my faith in God.

Video: Congregation Beth Am: Conversion Conversations

Conversion Conversations is a video storytelling project that highlights the stories of six members from Congregation Beth Am, Los Altos Hills, CA, who have converted to Judaism. The movie was funded with help from an Incubator Grant from the Union for Reform Judaism.
> Learn about conversion.