Chaim Harrison

Chris Harrison

Chaim Harrison (he/him/his) is a former writer/editor for the Union for Reform Judaism and an alumnus of the 2018 JewV'Nation Fellowship's Jews of Color Leadership Cohort. Chaim is a Professional Certified Marketer® (PCM®) and Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP) with dual certification from the American Marketing Association and Digital Marketing Institute. Chaim lives with his partner and two pets in metro Detroit, where he serves on Temple Beth El's Board of Trustees and is actively involved with his local Jewish Federation. Chaim is also proud to serve as a board member for the Hillel at Miami University, his alma mater.

Why is Jewish Summer Camp Important?

Chaim Harrison
Jewish summer camps provide children the opportunity to immerse themselves in Jewish culture, engage in ritual and education, challenge themselves physically and spiritually, and prepare to be leaders in and out of the Jewish community.

Being Honest with God and Myself

Chaim Harrison
I took the Commandments seriously. However, one of the Commandments deeply resonated above all others: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor," meaning "You shall not lie" (Exodus 20:13). This affected me most because I was lying to others and myself about a core aspect of my identity: my bisexuality.

7 Jewish Endeavors to Make 5782 a Sweet New Year

Chaim Harrison
It’s a long-standing custom for Jews to wish one another a “sweet new year” on Rosh Hashanah; to hope that this coming year will be one filled with joy, fulfillment, and an abundance of blessings. However, Judaism isn’t a path focused simply on wishing for good things; if our goal is to make each year “sweeter” than the last, we must work to make it happen.

How to Observe Shavuot from Home This Year

Chaim Harrison
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted so much of how we engage Jewishly, but Shavuot is a fantastic holiday for families to celebrate from the safety of their homes. Here are a few ways you and your family can observe this rich, festive Jewish holiday this year.