Rabbi Michael Dolgin

Smiling image of Rabbi Michael Dolgin in a dark suit and light blue tie with his hands crossed

Rabbi Michael Dolgin (he/him) has served Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto since 1992. He is proud to have fostered a culture of innovation and tradition during his decades as senior rabbi. Rabbi Dolgin has worked with his professional colleagues to create a new, cultural approach to prayer and spirituality, bringing into the synagogue many forms previously found only in the theatre. 

Parashat Vayechi is a Reminder to Keep Hope Alive

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Michael Dolgin

I find it hard to believe that we have already arrived at the last portion in the book of Genesis! By now, the matriarchs and patriarchs are like old friends: We’ve seen them celebrate and mourn, laugh and cry, hug, kiss, and wrestle.

Counting Our Blessings and Sharing the Light

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Michael Dolgin

The story of Joseph is familiar to many who have never opened the Tanach. It has been written and rewritten; set to music and presented on screens. However, a very moving scene found in this week’s Torah portion, Parashat Vayigash, is rarely included in these adaptations.

Everyone Owns the Words of Torah

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Michael Dolgin

Learning, commenting, and reacting to our Torah’s teachings are a personal experience, or at least they should be. Like all books of the Torah, our relationship with Genesis grows deeper each year when we encounter it anew.

When Do We Know We’ve Completed the Struggle?

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Michael Dolgin

In Parashat Vayishlach, Jacob receives a new name that becomes the name of the Jewish people: Israel. This moment in Genesis 32 is essential to every generation, especially in the fraught times in which we live. Jacob faces what he believes is an existential threat: confronting his brother Esau.