[Jacob] Sent
Genesis 32:4−36:43

When Is Vayishlach Read?
/ 16 Kislev 5786
/ 18 Kislev 5787
/ 18 Kislev 5788
- Jacob prepares to meet Esau. He wrestles with a "man," who changes Jacob's name to Israel. (32:4-33)
- Jacob and Esau meet and part peacefully, each going his separate way. (33:1-17)
- Dinah is raped by Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, who was chief of the country. Jacob's sons Simeon and Levi take revenge by murdering all the males of Shechem, and Jacob's other sons join them in plundering the city. (34:1-31)
- Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin and is buried in Ephrah, which is present-day Bethlehem. (35:16-21)
- Isaac dies and is buried in Hebron. Jacob's and Esau's progeny are listed. (35:22-36:43)
More Vayishlach Commentaries
Learn More About Parashat Vayishlach with BimBam
arashat Vayishlach - Jacob and the Angel
Award-winning novelist Dara Horn brings a real chiddush - new angle - to the incredible story of Jacob's midnight wrestling match. Prepare to get the wind knocked out of you. Enjoy this video and more with BimBam.
Listen to Podcasts About Vayishlach
Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat Vayiishlach in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.

Ten Minutes of Torah: Vayishlach Commentary
Reading Dinah’s Story After October 7
By: Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler
In the wake of the brutal Hamas attack against the villages and kibbutzim along the southern border of Israel and the ensuing war in Gaza and Lebanon, there has been a flood of new Hebrew poetry published on various platforms. One such poem is "Dinah" by poet and literature professor Smadar Falk Peretz, which was published in the online journal Gluyah in early 2024. It responds to the horrors of October 7th using Dinah's story from Parashah Vayishlach, and from an unabashedly female point of view.
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