[Jacob] Lived
Genesis 47:28–50:26

When Is Vayechi Read?
/ 14 Tevet 5786
/ 16 Tevet 5787
/ 16 Tevet 5788
- Jacob blesses his grandchildren Ephraim and Manasseh. (48:1-20)
- Jacob's twelve sons gather around his deathbed, and each receives an evaluation and a prediction of his future. (49:1-33)
- Joseph mourns his father's death and has Jacob embalmed. Jacob is buried in Hebron in the cave of the field of the Machpelah in the land of Canaan. (50:1-14)
- Joseph assures his concerned brothers that he has forgiven them and promises to care for them and their families. (50:15-21)
- Just before he dies, Joseph tells his brothers that God will return them to the Land that God promised to the patriarchs. The Children of Israel promise Joseph that they will take his bones with them when they leave Egypt. (50:22-26)
More Vayechi Commentaries
Learn More About Parashat Vayechi with BimBam
Va-y'chi: Jacob Blesses his Sons, in Rhyme!
After journeys, revelations, struggles and visions, our ancestors take stock of their blessings in this week's Torah parasha, the last one in Bereshit - closing out the book of Genesis. Marcus J. Freed - poet, teacher, playwright and actor - gives voice - or is that voices? - to the whole thing. Enjoy this video and more with BimBam.
Listen to Podcasts About Vayechi
Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat Vayechi in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.
8 Lessons for Today's World in the Book of Genesis

Ten Minutes of Torah: Vayechi Commentary
The Blessing of Jacob’s Saving Angel
By: Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler
Toward the end of Parashat Vayechi, Jacob offers his grandsons a deathbed blessing that has become incorporated into the daily bedtime Shema liturgy.
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