Related Blog Posts on Jewish Learning and Torah Study

3 Facts About How American Jews View the Torah

Kate Bigam Kaput

In the lead-up to the Christian celebration of Easter, which overlapped with Passover, the Pew Research Center shared data about the way religious Americans view their holy texts. Here are highlights from the Jewish end of things:

Leading Torah Study and Framing the Message

Rabbi Jeremy Weisblatt

What does it mean to lead a Torah study? When we sit with congregants, friends, are guests in different communities, what is it we are doing when we are given the honor to lead a Torah study? 

How Honoring My Mother's Memory Keeps Her Spirit Alive

Sharon Mann

I think of my mother, Ann (Chana) of blessed memory, every day. As the yahrzeit (anniversary) of her death approaches, however, more and more, my thoughts focus on her. This year will mark 22 years since she passed away and I feel the need to honor her memory in a special manner that will be meaningful to me.

At this point in my life, I am over the initial loss. Nevertheless, certain things such as learning Torah or performing mitzvot (commandments) in her memory not only comfort and strengthen me, they also keep her spirit alive for me in a tangible way.

The Mystery of the Fifth Cup: Why Elijah?

Aron Hirt-Manheimer

Rabbi Simeon J. Maslin reveals why, of all our biblical luminaries, it is Elijah who visits our homes on Passover, and why we welcome the prophet to our seder table with his own dedicated cup of wine.