I (God) Appeared [to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob]
Exodus 6:2−9:35

When Is Va-eira Read?
/ 28 Tevet 5786
/ 1 Shevat 5787
/ 1 Shevat 5788
- Despite God's message that they will be redeemed from slavery, the Israelites' spirits remain crushed. God instructs Moses and Aaron to deliver the Israelites from the land of Egypt. (6:2-13)
- The genealogy of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and their descendants is recorded. (6:14-25)
- Moses and Aaron perform a miracle with a snake and relate to Pharaoh God's message to let the Israelites leave Egypt. (7:8-13)
- The first seven plagues occur. God hardens Pharaoh's heart, and Pharaoh rescinds each offer to let the Israelites go. (7:14-9:35)
More Va-eira Commentaries
Learn More About Parashat Va-eira With BimBam
Parashat Va'eira: The Ancient Plagues of Egypt
Check out possibly the best known Torah and Bible story - the ten plagues! A rousing "Let my people go" kicks of weeks of frogs and hail and boils, but Rabbi Katie Mizrahi explains that those weren't even the REAL plagues. Enjoy this video and others with BimBam.
Listen to Podcasts About Va-eira
Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat Va-eira in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.

Ten Minutes of Torah: Va-eira Commentary
Outstretched Arms
By: Rabbi Jessica Kirschner
This week's portion (and perhaps the entirety of Exodus) is an extended exercise in demonstrating that faith is worth the risk and the relationship between God and the Jewish People is worthy of hard work.
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