
And [Jacob] Left

Genesis 28:10−32:3

When Is Vayeitzei Read?

/ 6 Kislev 5785
/ 9 Kislev 5786
/ 11 Kislev 5787


  • Jacob dreams of angels going up and down a ladder. God blesses him. Jacob names the place Bethel. (28:10-22)
  • Jacob works seven years in order to marry Rachel, but Laban tricks Jacob into marrying Leah, Rachel's older sister. (29:16-25)
  • Jacob marries Rachel but only after having to commit himself to seven more years of working for Laban. (29:26-30)
  • Leah, Rachel, and their maidservants, Bilhah and Zilpah, give birth to eleven sons and one daughter. (29:31-30:24)
  • Jacob and his family leave Laban's household with great wealth. (31:1-32:3)

Ten Minutes of Torah: Vayeitzei Commentary

Small bud blooming in a ceramic pot alongside a felt heart on a stick

Growth Requires Truth

By: Rabbi Kari Tuling

Jacob was given a blessing that promised him all the worldly goods and acclaim he could want. He would be rich and important. But this week's portion, Vayeitzei, opens with Jacob using a rock as a pillow, utterly destitute and completely alone.

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Video: Learn More on Parashat Vayeitzei with Bim Bam

Vayietze Bim Bam

In this week's Torah portion, meet Jacob's family...and pay attention: there's a lot of members. Count yourself lucky - you've got expert Esther Kustanowitz helping you keep score in a soap opera of, well, biblical proportions. Enjoy this video and others with Bim Bam.

Listen to Podcasts About Parashat Vayeitzei

Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat Vayeitzei in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.

Hate Will Not Define Us

Our Spiritual Ascents

Rabbi Rick Jacobs