Now When [Pharaoh] Let [the People] Go
Exodus 13:17−17:16

When Is B'shalach Read?
/ 13 Shevat 5786
/ 15 Shevat 5787
/ 15 Shevat 5788
- The Children of Israel escape across the Sea of Reeds from Pharaoh and his army, who drown when God drives back the sea. (13:17-14:31)
- Moses and the Israelites sing a song praising Adonai. (15:1-21)
- In the wilderness, God provides the grumbling Israelites with quails and manna. God instructs the Israelites to gather and prepare on the sixth day food needed for Shabbat. (15:22-16:36)
- The people complain about the lack of water. Moses hits a rock with his rod and brings forth water. (17:1-7)
- Israel defeats Amalek, Israel's eternal enemy. God vows to blot out the memory of Amalek from the world. (17:8-16)
More B'shalach Commentaries
VIdeo: Learn More About Parashat B'shalach With Bim Bam
Learn More About Parashat B'shalach With Bim Bam
Red Sea walkers, pull on those wetsuits and hit the rapids of Torah Parashat B'shalach! This week's narrator Eli Winkelman - a foodie with a hunger for social change - takes us on the scenic route out of Egypt, wading out of the Red Sea and into a land of bad food and water. Enjoy this video and more with Bim Bam.
Listen to Podcasts About B'shalach

Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat B'shalach in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.
Ten Minutes of Torah: B'shalach Commentary
A Matter of Perspective
By: Rabbi Jessica Kirschner
In B'shalach, the Israelites have a dizzying series of peak experiences in a very short period of time. Some of the events in this portion are so significant that we continue to mark them to this day.
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