Numbers 25:10−30:1

When Is Pinchas Read?
/ 23 Tammuz 5785
/ 19 Tammuz 5786
/ 19 Tammuz 5787
- Pinchas is rewarded for killing the Israelite and the Midianite woman who cursed God. (25:10–15)
- Israel fights a war against the Midianites. (25:16-18)
- A second census is taken. (26:1–65)
- The daughters of Zelophehad force a change in the laws of property inheritance. (27:1–11)
- Joshua is chosen to be Moses' successor. (27:15–23)
- The sacrificial ritual for all festival occasions is described in detail. (28:1–30:1)
More Pinchas Commentaries
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We're here to talk about five holy women of the Torah this week. Mahlah, Noa, Holga, Milcah, and Tirza drop in to teach us this week about asking for what you want...and getting it. Enjoy this video and others with BimBam.
Listen to Podcasts About Pinchas
Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat Pinchas in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.

Ten Minutes of Torah: Pinchas Commentary
Echoes of the Wilderness, Part VIII: The "Ka'eileh Phenomenon"
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